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Wesak Day Celebration 18-19 May 2019

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As Buddhists, we celebrate Wesak to commemorate three important events in the life of the Buddha: his birth as Prince Siddhartha, his Enlightenment and his passing away at the age of eighty. Wesak will be celebrated on Sunday 19 May 2019 and our theme this year is “Know Your Mind; Train Your Mind; Free Your Mind”.

Our celebration starts on Wesak Eve evening, Sat 18 May. (Please refer to attached flyer). There is opportunity to participate in many meritorious deeds on Wesak Eve and Wesak Day such as listening to Dhamma talks, offering of dana, participating in the circumambulation, making offerings of lights and flowers and also blood donation.

For details, please visit

Below are highlights of some of the activities:

1. Dhamma Talks/Chanting/Meditation

 Wesak Eve, 18 May

 Dhamma talk followed by Reading of Visakha Puja, Candle Light Circumambulation and

Itipiso Chanting.

Wesak Day, 19 May

Chanting and Meditation

Dhamma Reflections and Paritta Chanting for Blessings and Protection

Dhamma talk

2. Blessings for the Public

Blessing for the public by Members of the Sangha: 11.30 am – 2.30 pm


3. Health Talk

 Talk on “A Healthier YOU through mindfulness practices” by Ms Low Mi Yen: 1 pm – 1.45 pm


4. Free Vegetarian Food

 Wesak Eve – Light Refreshment: 11 pm – 11.30 pm

Wesak Day – Vegetarian Lunch: 11 am – 2 pm

5. Flower and Light Offering

Light represents wisdom and the offering of light symbolises the dispelling of ignorance with the light of wisdom. The Offering of Light symbolizes wisdom and an offering to dispel the ignorance of our minds, burning away our mental afflictions of desire, anger, greed, jealousy, pride as well as our negative energy.

Flowers represent impermanence as the fragrance and beauty of these flowers eventually becomes scentless and withered.  Offering flowers serves as a reminder to contemplate on the impermanence of all conditioned things. There will be a ceremony for you to participate in the offering of flowers on Wesak Eve.

 This Wesak, do make an offering either in your name or in memory of a loved one for your well being and happiness. 

Payment can be made at our Sunday counter or office. You can also remit/online to Bandar Utama Buddhist Society’s account with RHB Bank. The account number is.: 212-170-000-189-97. For online transfer, please do email the bank transfer slip together with your details to by stating name of donor, name of IMO (If any) and number of flower or lights offered to facilitate issuance of receipts.


For more information on offering of lights, please contact Sis Caryn: 019-3831381.

For more information on offering of flowers, please contact Sis Lan Hoon: 012-2013095.

For more information on our Wesak programme, please contact UBV office: 03-77106010/13

or Sis Hoon Eng: 017-8827199.