This year’s Wesak Theme is “Peaceful Heart, Joyful Living”. We are glad to inform you that we have lined up programmes for this coming 25 - 26 May 2021, Wesak Eve and Wesak Day respectively. There will be Wesak Puja, Itipiso Chanting, and Dhamma talks during these 2 days.
Please visit for more details.
Wesak Offering of Lights and Flowers
Wesak Day commemorates three important events in the life of the Buddha: his birth as Prince Siddhartha, his Enlightenment and his passing away at the age of eighty.
Let us continue to make offerings of lights and flowers on this auspicious day for our well-being and happiness.
The Wesak eOfferings will be open until 31 May 2021.
Please visit the BUBS Wesak page on details to make your offering:
For further information, please email to