BUBS Executive Committee – 2020/2022

We wish to inform you that our 21st Annual General Meeting (AGM) was successfully held online on Sunday, 13 December 2020. We are pleased to announce the Executive Committee for 2020/2022

President: Bro. Danny Liew Chee Khuen

Deputy President: Sis. Ooi Siew Swan

Hon. Secretary: Sis. Seow Lan Hoon

Assistant Secretary: Sis. Saw Sook Mooi

Hon. Treasurer: Sis. Ng Kim Lian

Assistant Treasurer: Sis. Lee Chooi Keng

Dhammaduta 1: Bro. Ew Chee Wat

Dhammaduta 2: Bro. William Lim Seong Kang

Dhamma School: Sis. Lau Poh Liew

Welfare – Outreach: Sis. Toh Su Mei

Communication & Publication: Bro. John Lee Siew Thong

Training & Development: Bro. Lim Sern Khern

Fellowship: Sis. Fom Lee Sia

BUDDY: Bro. Robin Yee Wei Zheng (appointed)