We wish to inform you that our 21st Annual General Meeting (AGM) was successfully held online on Sunday, 13 December 2020. We are pleased to announce the Executive Committee for 2020/2022
President: Bro. Danny Liew Chee Khuen
Deputy President: Sis. Ooi Siew Swan
Hon. Secretary: Sis. Seow Lan Hoon
Assistant Secretary: Sis. Saw Sook Mooi
Hon. Treasurer: Sis. Ng Kim Lian
Assistant Treasurer: Sis. Lee Chooi Keng
Dhammaduta 1: Bro. Ew Chee Wat
Dhammaduta 2: Bro. William Lim Seong Kang
Dhamma School: Sis. Lau Poh Liew
Welfare – Outreach: Sis. Toh Su Mei
Communication & Publication: Bro. John Lee Siew Thong
Training & Development: Bro. Lim Sern Khern
Fellowship: Sis. Fom Lee Sia
BUDDY: Bro. Robin Yee Wei Zheng (appointed)