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Sunday Puja & Dhamma Sharing - 5 July 2020, 9 am

Join the above session by Sis. Foo Siew Fong after our Sunday Puja on Zoom Meeting:

Topic: "Right Speech: Restraint over Divisive Speech"

Meeting ID: 637 620 6979
Password: BUBS2

For further info, please contact Bro. Danny Liew: 012-9549805

You can also join us for Sunday Puja and listen in on the Dhamma sharing on BUBS YouTube Channel:

Sis. Foo Siew Fong

Sis. Siew Fong is a lawyer by profession and is listed as a preeminent lawyer in the Doyles Guide For Singapore Family & Divorce from 2016- 2019.  Sis. Siew Fong was the President of the Singapore Association of Women's Lawyers (SAWL) from 2001 to 2009. Siew Fong's commitment to the community sees her as a member of the Citizenship Committee of Inquiry under the Ministry of Home Affairs and she also sits in the Board of 2 charities. In 2011, the Family and Juvenile Justice Division awarded her the Outstanding Volunteer of the Year in the Advocate and Solicitor Category. Sis Siew Fong holds a Masters in Buddhist studies and is one of the mentors for the Saturday Meditation Class at Buddhist Library Singapore. She is also a recurring speaker at various Buddhist organizations and at Dot Connections Growth Centre under the “Coping Skills & Resilience” series.

2nd Dhamma Talk by Foo Siew Fong.png

Click the Zoom Meeting link to join:

The link to join the zoom session may not work if many people are using it at the same time. If you encounter this problem, try using the meeting ID & password instead. 

Meeting ID: 637 620 6979
Password: BUBS2

We will start on time at 9.00 am. Please check to make sure that your Wifi is strong enough to allow you uninterrupted access to Zoom as well as a clear reception throughout the class. 

The instructions given below to join the class are for those who are not familiar with the Zoom program:

  1. When you enter the Zoom website, click ‘Join A Meeting’. You do not need to download the Zoom app if you are using a computer. 

  2. Enter the Meeting ID and press ‘Join’.  Key in your profile name.  Alternatively, you can use the Join URL.

  3. Below your name, check off the box: ‘Turn off my video’ if you would like to remain anonymous.  You also have the option to turn your video off during the session if you find that having it on affects reception on your end.  All participants will be asked to turn off their video during Dhamma Sharing. 

  4. Enter Password.  You will then see this notice “Please wait for the host to start this meeting” which means that you have been placed in a virtual waiting room.  The waiting room will be disabled at 9  am sharp.

  5. All participants are muted on entry to minimise background noise. Questions can be submitted through the Zoom Group Chat (the icon is located at the bottom of the screen).  You can opt to let only the host view your question or to enable all participants to view it. If you have a very long & complicated question which is difficult to put into words, please unmute yourself so you can voice your question.

  6. Please minimise all your screen boxes during Chanting & Dhamma Sharing to enable an unobstructed view of the presentation slides. Option to minimise the screen boxes is located at the right of your computer screen.