Teen Quest Classes (13 to 17 years old)
Online classes are being conducted on every Sunday from 10am to 11.15am.
Students are encouraged to sign-in to the link provided for their respective class by 9:55am.
Please feel free to communicate with the respective class teacher/s.
Teen Quest 1 (13 years old) : Bro Ng Teck Sing / Sis Fom Lee Sia
Teen Quest 2 (14 & 15 years old) : Bro Weng / BUDDY
Teen Quest 3 (16 & 17 years old : Sis Puise Ng / Sis Sim
2. Pre-School to DS7 (4 to 12 years old)
Classes for this group of students have yet to commence.
Tentative commencement is 20 June 2021.
More update in due course.
Meanwhile, parents are encouraged to attend the weekly Sunday Puja with their child/children and if possible to guide the child/children through the Dhamma Talk.
Please feel free to WhatsApp the teachers or Sis. Poh Liew at 016-2019268 should you have any query.