An Online Meditation Retreat with Luang Por Dtun.
Abbot of Wat Boonyawad in Chonburi, Thailand.
Luang Por Dtun (Thiracitto) is considered to be one of the greatest living meditation masters in Thailand. Renowned for his gentle demeanour and wisdom, Luang Por has an impeccable reputation as a well-practised monk in the Ajahn Chah tradition.
Born in 1955 in Ayutthaya, Thailand, Luang Por was raised in Bangkok. After graduating in March 1978 with a Bachelor in Economics, he was accepted to study for a Masters degree in Town Planning at the University of Colorado, USA. However, many small insights came to force which led him to his decision to lead the holy life.
In June 1978, he travelled to the North-Eastern province of Ubon Ratchathani to be ordained by Venerable Ajahn Chah at Wat Nong Pah Pong. Presently, Luang Por is the Abbot of Wat Boonyawad in Chonburi, Thailand - the 130th branch monastery of Venerable Ajahn Chah.
Day 1 - 24 December 2021
Day 1 Morning Chanting
Day 1 Instructions from Luang Por Dtun
Day 1 Evening Chanting
Day 1 Dhamma Talk by Luang Por Dtun
Day 2 - 25 December 2021
Day 2 Morning Chanting
Day 2 Dhamma Talk by Luang Por Dtun (pre-recording)
Day 2 Paritta Chanting
Day 2 Evening Chanting
Day 2 Dhamma Talk by Luang Por Dtun
DAY 3 - 26 DECEMBER 2021
Day 3 Morning Chanting
Day 3 Dhamma Talk by Luang Por Dtun (pre-recording)
Day 3 Event Chanting
Day 3 Dhamma Talk by Luang Por Dtun and Retreat Closing