
Why Gotama Resorted to Jhāna for Buddhahood

This is an edited version of a talk given by Āyasmā Aggacitta in Uttama Bodhi Vihara of Bandar Utama Buddhist Society on Sunday 13 August 2023. Here Āyasmā Aggacitta cites passages from the Pāli suttas to highlight several misconceptions about Gotama's search for awakening and the nature of the jhānas and āruppas. As usual, his well-structured arguments are solidly based on the Pāli suttas and practical experience, with significant impact on Dhamma practice.

Dhamma Talks recorded in Bandar Utama Buddhist Society on YouTube

Dhamma talks are held following each Puja session every Sunday. Speakers are invited each week to share the Dhamma with members and friends of BUBS. We are blessed to have many Forest Sangha members, locally and overseas offering Dhamma teachings.

Amaravati Podcast Latest Dhamma Talks on Spotify

These are the latest Dhamma Talks given mainly in the Amaravati Temple during the Wan Phras (moon/observance days). These talks include those given during the Winter Retreat, Rains / Vassa retreat and the rest of the year. A complete audio library can be found at

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Sutta Workshops by Āyasmā Aggacitta

This channel was initially created to upload edited video footage of the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta Study with Meditation Workshop Tour 2012, held in 7 locations in Malaysia and Singapore, and attended by a total of more than 500 people. The Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta (MN 10) is one of the most referenced discourses from the Buddhist scriptures, especially by meditators.

The channel has expanded the scope to include edited video clips of other workshops, Dhamma talks and presentation slides used in events conducted by Āyasmā Aggacitta. For a more structured approach to navigating and appreciating the workshop videos, please view