Luang Por Sumedho

Luang Por Ajahn Sumedho (born Robert Kan Jackman, July 27, 1934, Seattle) is the senior Western representative of the Thai forest tradition of Theravada Buddhism. He was abbot of Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, UK, from its consecration in 1984 until his retirement in 2010. Luang Por means Venerable Father, an honorific and term of affection in keeping with Thai custom; ajahn means teacher. A bhikkhu for 45 years, Sumedho is considered a seminal figure in the transmission of the Buddha's teachings to the West.

Luang Por Amaro

Born in England in 1956, Ven. Amaro Bhikkhu   received a BSc. in Psychology and Physiology   from the University of London. Spiritual searching   led him to Thailand, where he went to Wat Pah   Nanachat, a Forest Tradition monastery   established for Western disciples of Thai   meditation master Ajahn Chah, who ordained him   as a bhikkhu in 1979. Soon afterwards he   returned  to England and joined Ajahn Sumedho   at the newly established Chithurst Monastery. He   resided for many years at Amaravati Buddhist   Monastery, making trips to California every year   during the 1990s.

In June 1996 he established Abhayagiri Monastery in Redwood Valley, California, where he was co-Abbot with Ajahn Pasanno until 2010. He then returned to Amaravati to become Abbot of this large monastic community.

Venerable Sayadaw U Indaka

Venerable Sayadaw was born on October 5 in 1952 in Upper Burma. As a young man he came to the local monastery to become a novice. Later he went to the famous Mahagandhayon monastery in Amarapura where his older brother was. In 1972 he was ordained by Ven. Mahagandhayon Sayadaw. He studied the Buddhist scriptures and finally took and passed the Dhammacariya-Exam. After that he taught the Buddhist scriptures for ten years.In 1976 he practiced Vipassana meditation in the Mahasi Meditation Centre in Mandalay where he was taught by Ven. Chanmyay Sayadaw. Some years later he went to the Chanmyay Yeiktha Meditation Centre in Yangon, where he was commissioned to teach meditation. In 1996 Ven. Chanmyay Sayadaw sent him as a teacher and abbot to the new Chanmyay Yeiktha Meditation centre in Hmawbi.Since 2004 he lives in his meditation centre in the suburbs of Yangon and teaches people from Burma and from abroad alike.

Ven. Ajahn Anan Akiñcano

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Ven. Ajahn Anan Akiñcano took ordination under Ven. Ajahn Chah in 1975. He spent the next four years diligently practicing meditation and acting as Ven. Ajahn Chah’s personal attendent, allowing him to develop a close connection with his teacher.

After this intensive training period he sought out more secluded and dangerous places to further his meditation. In 1984 he settled in the dense forest of Rayong, establishing the monastery that came to be known as Wat Marp Jan. The early years there were difficult and on multiple occasions Ajahn Anan faced bouts of malaria that took him close to death.

Today, his reputation as a meditation master has grown, along with the number of monks coming to practice under him to seek his guidance. He is responsible for looking after more than ten branch monasteries and well over 100 monks.

Ven. Ajahn Dtun

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Ven. Ajahn Dtun is considered to be one of the greatest living meditation masters in Thailand. Renowned for his gentle demeanour and deep wisdom, Ven. Ajahn Dtun has always had an impeccable reputation as a well-practised monk in the Ajahn Chah Tradition. Even as a junior monk, there was a buzz among the monks regarding Ven. Ajahn Dtun due to his dedication to practise and an aura of calm and clarity around him.

Born in 1955 in Ayutthaya, Thailand, Ven. Ajahn Dtun was raised in Bangkok. After completing his Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, he decided to become a monk at Wat Nong Pah Pong with Ven. Ajahn Chah as his preceptor. Presently, Ven. Ajahn Dtun is the Abbot of Wat Boonyawad in Chonburi, Thailand. Wat Boonyawad has grown from being a hermitage of a few monks to a large monastery with close to fifty monks training under the guidance of  Ven. Ajahn Dtun.

Ven. Ajahn Nyanadhammo

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Ven. Ajahn Nyanadhammo was born in Adelaide, Australia in 1955 and studied biology at university. His contact with the Dhamma via reading a Buddhist book eventually drove him to Thailand to receive his novice ordination in 1978 at Wat Bowon Niwet Wiharn in Bangkok.

Full ordination followed in 1979 at the age of 24, under Ven. Ajahn Chah at Wat Nong Pah Pong in Ubon Ratchathani province. In 2002, he became the abbot of Wat Pah Nanachat, a branch monastery of Wat Nong Pah Pong with an international community of English speaking monks. In 2007, he became abbot of Wat Ratanawan, where he is currently residing.

Below is a video of Dhamma talk by Ven. Ajahn Nyandhammo

Ven. Ajahn Kalyano

Ven. Ajahn Kalyano (Daniel Jones) was born in London in 1962. His interest in Buddhism awakened while still a student. After completing his university degree at Bristol University, he travelled to Thailand. In 1985 received ordination in the forest tradition of Ajahn Chah.
He has trained for many years with Venerable Ajahn Anan, one of several disciples of Ven. Ajahn Chah who have become highly regarded as meditation masters in their own right. In 2000, Ven. Ajahn Kalyano was invited to establish the forest tradition in Australia. He is now the abbot of Buddha Bodhivana Monastery in East Warburton, Melbourne, Australia

Ven. Ajahn Cattamalo

Ven. Ajahn Cattamalo is the abbot of Muttodaya Forest Monastery, Germany. Born in Germany, he was ordained in 1988 in Wat Nong Pa Pong ( the tradition of Ven. Ajahn Chah) Ubon Rachathani, N.E. Thailand. He spent 7 years in various monasteries throughout Thailand practising and studying with different meditation teachers of the forest tradition. Thereafter, he spent 13 years at Bodhinyana Monastery in Perth, Australia, during the last 5 years of which he was the deputy abbot assisting Ajahn Brahmavamso. Ven. Ajahn Cattamalo left Bodhinyana Monastery in 2008 for Germany to assist in the setting up of Muttodaya Forest Monastery.

Ven. Ajahn Chandako


Ven. Ajahn Chandako is an American who has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Comparative Religions. He was ordained as a Buddhist monk in 1990 in the Thai Forest Tradition in the lineage of Ven. Ajahn Chah. After practicing intensive meditation in various monasteries in Thailand and travelling extensively in Tibet, Nepal and India, he settled at Wat Pah Nanachat in Thailand, the monastery established by Ven. Ajahn Chah for his English-speaking disciples. He translated many of the teachings into English and is also the author of 'A Honed and Heavy Ax: Samatha and Vipassana in Harmony.' In recent years, he has taught internationally and is currently the abbot of Vimutti Forest Monastery, near Auckland, New Zealand, which he established in 2004.  

Āyasmā Kumāra

Āyasmā Kumāra

Āyasmā Kumāra was ordained  in 1999 at the age of 27 by Sayadaw U Revata at Subang Jaya Buddhist Association. Currently, he resides in Sāsanārakkha Buddhist Sanctuary (, Taiping, where he learns from Bhaddanta Aggacitta Mahāthera and acts as his personal assistant. He graduated with a bachelor degree in education (Teaching English as a Second Language) from the University of Malaya. It was during his studies there that he became enthusiastic about the Buddha’s teachings and decided that he wanted to live this life as a monk. Since then, with his training in education, he has been sharing the Dhamma in various ways and in several languages (mainly English, Mandarin and Hokkien) with Buddhists of various traditions and non-Buddhists too.

Ven. Ajahn Mettiko

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Born in Germany, Ven. Ajahn Mettiko was ordained at Wat Pa Nam Rin, Chiang Mai in Thailand in 2004 and spent four years with Luang Phor Thong Daeng Varapanno at Wat Phra Jao Tun Luang in Chiang Mai. Ven. Ajahn also spent time at Wat Pa Nanachat and went on tudong in Thailand and Germany.

Later, he went on tudong in New Zealand and also stayed at Vimutti Monastery.

He currently resides at Muttodaya Forest Monastery in Germany, the first forest monastery in his home country.

Ven. Ajahn Cagino

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Ven. Ajahn Cagino, a Malaysian graduate of Liberal Arts was a professional photographer. As a photographer from the age of 22 to 27, he won no less than 40 awards and came out first in the Asia photography Competition. Before he ordained, he embarked on a journey to search for the Dhamma which led him to the forests of Thailand and New Zealand. He then ordained as a Samanera for one and a half years at the Ang Hock Si Temple in Penang. In 1996 at 29 years old, he ordained as a Theravada Bhikkhu and spent the next 5 years under Luang Por Gungha in Thailand. In 2001, he re-ordained at Wat Pah Nanachat under the Ven. Ajahn Chah tradition. It is during this period that he went “tudong” wandering through the forests of  the North and North East of Thailand covering a distance of no less than 4000km on foot. During his stay in the caves in Mae Hon Son province, he came across poor and innocent orphans of the minority tribes whom he thought have great potential if they have the right guidance and education. This led Ven. Ajahn  setting  up Dhammagiri Foundation, a Buddhist orphanage to help the orphans.

BUBS Activities Update from 12 June 2018

 1. Introduction to Meditation Course- 2nd lesson-14 June 2018

The second session of the  “Introduction to Meditation Course"  at UBV will be on  this Thursday, 14th  June 2018.  

This course is especially suitable for beginners but experienced yogis are also encouraged to attend as  Bro Dassana is a very experienced meditation teacher.

Please contact Bro. Danny Liew at 012-2073925 for further information.

2. Dhamma Talk by Ven. Ajahn Anan - Live from Wat Marp Jan.

Please be informed that this Friday  session on 15 June 2018 is cancelled.

Our regular Friday evening session with Ven. Ajahn Anan will resume  on  22, June  2018. 

For further info, please contact Bro. Bryan Kok: 012-2295583.  

3. Sunday Puja and Recorded Reading by Ven. Ajahn Amaro from “The Collected Teachings of Ajahn Chah” on  17 June 2018 at 9am

This Sunday’s  Puja will be facilitated by Bro.Peck Hwa, followed by a recorded reading from “The Collected Teachings of Ajahn Chah” by  Tan Ajahn Amaro on “Why Are We Here?”.For further info, please contact Danny Liew at 012-2073925

4. Dhamma School

Dhamma School will be closed for next three (3) Sundays ie 10th, 17th and 24th  June  2018 in conjunction with School term break. Classes will resume on 1st July 2018.

We wish everyone a Happy and Safe holiday.

 5. New Moon Puja on Thursday, 14th June 2018

The coming New Moon Puja falls on Thursday 14th June 2018.

As there is a Meditation course, the  the new moon chanting will commence at 8.00 pm to enable more to join the meditation course at 8:30pm. All are welcome to join this event.

You may bring flower and fruits for offering.

For further clarification, please contact Bro Danny Liew (016-3133628) or Bro Peck Hwa (012-3739107).

6. Evening Dhamma Talk by Venerable Dhammavuddho Mahathera on Sunday 24 June 2018.

Members and friends  are encouraged to participate in the Evening Dhamma talk by Ven. Dhammavuddho Mahathera at  8 pm in our Buddhacetiya Hall.

The topic of the talk is " How To Cultivate The Ariyan  Eightfold Path".  Kindly refer to attached.

Please park at the Community Hall.  

For details, please contact Bro. Bryan Kok: 0122295583.

Ven. Dhammavuddho Mahathera 

Ven. Dhammavuddho MahatheraVenerable Dhammavuddho Mahathera is the abbot of Vihara Buddha Gotama. As a layman he graduated from the University Malaya in 1971 and worked as an Electrical Engineer with the Public Works Department for 12 years before renouncing the home life. His interest in religion led him to study the world's major religions for a few years before meeting the Buddha's teachings in 1976.

In 1983, he went forth into the homeless life in the Mahayana tradition. Three years later, he was reordained in the Theravada tradition in Thailand. Thereafter, he spent about 10 years living the solitary lifestyle in quiet places.

He has written numerous booklets on Buddhism, e.g. Return to the Original Buddha's Teachings, Message of the Buddha, Buddhist Monk's Precepts, Liberation: Relevance of Sutta-Vinaya, Only We Can Help Ourselves, etc. His talks in English, Hokkien/Fujian, Cantonese, span the years 1988 - 2013. The 5 Nikayas in English, Hokkien Angguttara Nikaya, Samyutta Nikaya, Majjhima Nikaya; as well as other talks have been recorded in audio and video.

In 1998 he established the Vihara Buddha Gotama, a 15 acre piece of land outside Temoh,Perak.In 2012, he consented to be on the Monastic Advisory Panel of the Theravāda Buddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM).

7. Breakfast Dana for Ven. Dhammavuddho Mahathera on  Monday,  25 June 2018.

Members and friends are encouraged to offer breakfast Dana to  Ven. Dhammavuddho who will be staying at UBV.Breakfast  Dana is at 7 am.Please bring your cooked food(non-vegetarian), dessert and fruits, half an hour (30 Mins) before the designated meal time.  For food coordination, please contact Sis. Cheng Cheng: 012-2001823. 

8. Spiritual/Welfare cum Fellowship Trip to Chiang Mai and Mae Hong Son, Thailand: 26 Oct 2018 (Fri) – 1 Nov 2018 (Thurs)

Join us for a kathina trip in a forest monastery, Wat Phra Chao Ton Luang (abbot: Luang Por Thong Daeng) in Chiang Mai. Experience living in a beautiful and inspiring Children Home in the mountains at Dhammagiri Foundation, in one of the poorest and most beautiful parts of Thailand in Mae Hong Son. Children there are raised based on the good values of the Dhamma and guided by the forest monks. Visit hill tribes and present gifts to the impoverished villagers and school children. Take a glimpse into the cave where forest monks practise in, a bamboo-raft ride into a mysterious bat cave and enjoy the scenic views of nature along the way.

We will fly to Chiang Mai for a 2-night stay, take a domestic flight to Mae Hong Son for a 2-night stay at Dhammagiri Foundation, travel in tourist vans all the way back to Chiang Mai, stopping a night in Thamlod. Please note that there is a 3-hour winding road journey in the mountains of Mae Hong Son. Visits to certain places require trekking and is optional.

Cost of the Trip is estimated at RM1760.00 per pax which includes road transportation, accommodation, meals, dinner treats for the children of Dhammagiri Children home, gifts for the villagers and school children and bamboo raft ride/entrance fee to certain places of interest. The  Cost excludes international and domestic flights.

If you are interested, please fill up the attached application form and submit to the BUBS office or Sunday counter, together with a deposit CHEQUE payment of RM450.00 to be made payable to EL SOL TRAVEL AND TOURS SDN BHD.

Deposit is refundable only if application is not successful. In case of withdrawal, deposits are transferable upon finding successful replacements. Deposits are not refundable and transferable after 30 September 2018.

Further information will be provided upon confirmation of successful application.

For enquiries, please contact Sis Sharon ( or  Bro. Chiam:012-3290183 or BUBS office at 03-77106010.

Our additional regular activities

1.     Chanting class every Tuesday at 8.30 pm led by Bro. Dhammadassi  Kho.

2.     Birthday blessings on every first Tuesday of the month at 8.30 pm.

3.     Puja on every New Moon and Full Moon at 8.30 p.m.   Please bring flowers and fruits for offering.  For details, please contact  Bro. Peck Hwa: 012-3739107.

4.    Vipassana Meditation practise on every Thursday at 8.30 pm to 10.00 pm.. For details, please contact Bro. Danny Liew at 012-2073925 

5.     Metta (Loving- kindness) Meditation on every Sunday morning, 11 am  at Buddhacetiya Hall. For further details, please contact  Uncle Mudita Yew : 012-6275088 or Bro.Danny Liew: 012-2073925

We look forward to your support and participation. Please bring your family and friends.

May the Blessings of the Triple Gem be with you and your family always

"A family that prays together stays together"




Chiangmai-Mae Hong Son trip

Chiangmai-Mae Hong Son trip

I am so glad we made it to the Chiangmai-Mae Hong Son trip. I suppose we were meant to make this journey to Dhammagiri Orphanage and participate in the Kathina. Theresa had asked if we would like to join her and, in her usual calm way, answered all our queries - “You’re sure? But, we don’t know what we should do. What are we getting into?” – encouraging us to go with the flow. We would be amongst two busloads of Buddhists, 65 pax in all. Some had been practising Buddhism since university days, some were pretty young. Amongst my dance buddies, except for Theresa, none of us had been on such a trip.

BUBS 15th Anniversary - Our Journey

The Society has come a long way since we started in year 2000. Looking back, there are many people (our Venerable teachers,members, past and present volunteers, contributors/benefactors, donors, well wishers, Dhamma teachers, Dhamma School teachers) and events to whom we are very grateful to.

Hence as part of our 15th anniversary celebration, BUBS celebrated their 15th Anniversary Dinner on 15 August 2015.

Luang Por Tiradhammo

Luang Por Tiradhammo

Luang Por Tiradhammo is one of the most senior monks in the tradition of Ajahn Chah. He became interested in Dhamma in his student years while traveling through Sri Lanka.  Coming to Thailand and meditating at Wat Umong, he took ordination at Wat Meung Man in Chiang Mai with Venerable Tong in 1974. In 1975 he moved to study with Ajahn Cha at Wat Pa Pong and Wat Pa Nanachat. He went on several tudong journeys through the northeast of Thailand and the mountains of Chiang Mai, visiting many famous forest meditation masters. Venerable Tiradhammo was invited to England in 1982 to help with developments there. He spent two years at Chithurst Monastery and three years in charge of Harnham Vihara in Northumberland. In 1988, Ajahn helped establish Dhammapala Monastery near Bern, Switzerland, and also later at its new location in the Bernese Alpine village of Kandersteg where he was the senior monk until 2005. In July 2005 he assumed the position of a senior monk at Bodhinyanarama, Wellington, NZ where he remained as abbot for six and a half years.  Ajahn is currently of no fixed abode and travels widely to teach the Dhamma and to hold meditation retreats. His visits to many monasteries and other locations can be followed on his blog:  Ajahn’s last visit to Singapore was in January 2019 where he held a 2-day non-residential meditation retreat at Wat Palelai on the 26th and 27th of January 2019.