We are pleased to inform you that through your generosity, we have collected RM 29413.00 in our recent call for Kathina 2021 Donation.
BUBS will top up the donation to RM30,000.00 from our Sangha Dayaka Fund.
With this we are pleased to share that we will be disbursing RM10,000.00 to each of the 3 monasteries/temples listed below:
Sāsanārakkha Buddhist Sanctuary, Taiping Perak
Sri Jayanti Buddhist Temple, Sentul KL
Santi Forest Monastery, Ulu Tiram Johor
Anumodana to all our donors for your generous donation to support the Buddha Sasana. We could not have done it without your support.
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu.
May the goodness arising from your kindness and generosity be the cause for the arising of favourable conditions that will support your practice.
We wish to inform you that our 21st Annual General Meeting (AGM) was successfully held online on Sunday, 13 December 2020. We are pleased to announce the Executive Committee for 2020/2022
President: Bro. Danny Liew Chee Khuen
Deputy President: Sis. Ooi Siew Swan
Hon. Secretary: Sis. Seow Lan Hoon
Assistant Secretary: Sis. Saw Sook Mooi
Hon. Treasurer: Sis. Ng Kim Lian
Assistant Treasurer: Sis. Lee Chooi Keng
Dhammaduta 1: Bro. Ew Chee Wat
Dhammaduta 2: Bro. William Lim Seong Kang
Dhamma School: Sis. Lau Poh Liew
Welfare – Outreach: Sis. Toh Su Mei
Communication & Publication: Bro. John Lee Siew Thong
Training & Development: Bro. Lim Sern Khern
Fellowship: Sis. Fom Lee Sia
BUDDY: Bro. Robin Yee Wei Zheng (appointed)
An Online Meditation Retreat with Tan Ajahn Amaro
Religious activities and announcements posted are strictly for non-Muslims only.